“The Mona Lisa in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” is a painting that was also created because I was trying to understand the algorithms by which such and not other images are created through an AI generator. The canon of modern beauty is cold, despite body positive movements and the promotion of more ample shapes, artificial intelligence creates perfect images of young and skinny super models.
Even the creations of images of old people also do not reflect the typical body changes we see in old people. They in AI’s depictions are still mostly slim, upright, the belly and breasts do not droop, and the wrinkles are arranged in a very aesthetic way. AI creates the image of a cool grandmother who, apart from the cool wrinkles, still has the body of an athletic teenager.
Presumably, this is the kind of data it collects about the canon of beauty from people, how we would like to look. I see this as another danger, an unmatched image that more people will aspire to through the promotion of such images via social media. I wanted to paint such a modern-day Mona Lisa as seen through the eyes of AI. But I added a cake to it. The cake as a symbol of sin and imperfectionism. The super-model Mona Lisa is caught eating a cake. A storm is coming in the background, you know, the start of problems….
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