The concept of “in-between time” refers to those moments between… between activities we perceive as necessities, important tasks with significant consequences, or obligations. In life, we are constantly compelled to perform operational tasks simply to sustain ourselves.
Paradoxically, this system of sustaining life, rather than becoming simpler with the continuous progress of civilization, seems to grow increasingly complex, demanding, and bordering on the challenges of a circus act. There are more and more regulations, taxes, and rules for those who are simply trying to perform activities (often business-related) to maintain their livelihood.
The more creative one is, or the better one becomes at their work, the more there is to manage. The more one earns, the more they often have to spend to maintain their level of income or simply to survive. Falling from a great height hurts more and carries greater risks, so more effort is required to avoid that fall.
The textile object-lamp titled “Colors of In-Between Time” is an illuminated rainbow that can change its shape depending on the context and location. On one side, the object is more geometric, while on the other, it has a more organic shape. Since it was created in the in-between time, like most of my artistic works, I began to ponder the great value of in-between time in life. In-between time is the period between professional work and various other obligations such as household chores, administrative tasks, parenting, etc. These are very short moments that we can devote to artistic work, personal development, relaxation, reading books, or meditation. It is truly the essence of life; everything we really want happens in the in-between time. Some works or excessive focus on the virtual world are referred to as “nolife”. Where is life? Exactly, in the in-between time. This is the essence of life, which is why the colors of in-between time are positive; they are like a source of light, a source of life, pure energy…