Lost in patterns

Lost in the camouflage of decoration, or the other independently riding motorbikes?

Observing Moroccan women is very inspiring…

One time I hung my patterned jelaba on a wall hanging, which was decorated with patterned tiles. The jelaba – morrocan traditional dress, disappeared visually. When I took a selfie in this jelaba against the wall it also disappeared…. The multitude of patterns in Moroccan interiors creates optical nystagmus. I thought then that this patterned outfit was a kind of camouflage, just as the soldier puts on his uniform in the forest to disappear, so the woman disappears into the decorations in the house. It’s a kind of metaphor for women’s social roles, disappearing into domestic duties. It is not all obvious, however, as the motorbike nevertheless offers the possibility of an independent exit from the space of domestic duties …